1、在深圳有多年的承包饭堂实践经验: 2、公司人才鼎盛,资金管理,完整的岗前和在岗培训系统: 3、专业规范化的饭堂管理,完整的岗前和在岗培训系统: 4、有适应于大中型饭堂,营养均衡的科学配餐: 5、拥有庞大的各地厨师队伍和饮食专业高级管理人员: 6、拥有市场信息网络站,灵活大批量采购价廉物美: 7、无公害蔬菜生产基地和鱼肉养殖厂: 8、食堂相关产业链式经营,灵活批发和公司自用相结合: 9、以客户为尊,卫生、品质、安全、服务、形象和礼仪第一: 10、提供伙食一条龙服务,开放式经营,欢迎监督。
Our speciality and advatages: 1.Years or practical experience to contract dining room in Pearl River Delta; 2.Has an abundance of capable people,a large capital and a perfect inner mangement; 3.Professionally normative dining room management and perfect prepost and on-post training system; 4.Scientific and nutrition-balanced food suitable to big-and-middle sized dining rooms; 5.Have enormous chef team of all different provinces and dietetic Specialty advanced management personnel; 6.Marketing informationnetwork to purchase cheap but good goods Flexibly and in bulk; 7.Vegetable yield bases with public hazard and fish-meat breeding farms; 8.Interrelated in dustry chain style management to diningroom combining wholesaling flexibly and company's private use; 9.Treat customer as the eswteemed with first-class healthy,quality,security,service,image and propriety; 10.Supply a continuous line of mess services with open management. Welcome you monitoring.
